I, Pet Goat II is a 2012 Canadian animated short film written, directed, produced and edited by Louis Lefebvre. The film features a commentary on American society and politics, particularly covering presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, with allusions to Osama bin Laden the War on Terror and Biblical theology and Arabian imagery in a post-apocalyptic setting. The title is a reference to The Pet Goat (often erroneously referred to as My Pet Goat), the book children at Emma Booker School in Sarasota, Florida read to President Bush at the time of the September 11 attacks which ends stating "more to come". The film is known for its strong use of cryptic symbolism.
Zatím jsem neviděl video, nicméně předešlé díly predikovali určitý vývoj a ukazovali prstem na ty co stáli za určitými událostmi ve světe, např. 11. září 2001 či predikce Noterda požáru kat-edrály. Třeba někoho zaujme a dekoduje.
I, Pet Goat II is a 2012 Canadian animated short film written, directed, produced and edited by Louis Lefebvre. The film features a commentary on American society and politics, particularly covering presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, with allusions to Osama bin Laden the War on Terror and Biblical theology and Arabian imagery in a post-apocalyptic setting. The title is a reference to The Pet Goat (often erroneously referred to as My Pet Goat), the book children at Emma Booker School in Sarasota, Florida read to President Bush at the time of the September 11 attacks which ends stating "more to come". The film is known for its strong use of cryptic symbolism.
Zatím jsem neviděl video, nicméně předešlé díly predikovali určitý vývoj a ukazovali prstem na ty co stáli za určitými událostmi ve světe, např. 11. září 2001 či predikce Noterda požáru kat-edrály. Třeba někoho zaujme a dekoduje.
Upravené 11. 1. 2021 o 19:33